909-597-3249 [email protected]

Brimstone Sulfur Symposium Details – Vienna

Fall, 2016

Location: Hotel Bristol, Vienna, Austria


The symposium will take the form of organized presentations by industry experts, operating companies, and suppliers of products and services plus extensive Open Floor Question & Answer sessions.  Most questions are asked anonymously through our Q&A Moderator.  This allows questions to be discussed in sanitized form without concerns of confidentiality.  The Question and Answer discussions are not transcribed or published in the conference proceedings (what’s discussed in Vienna stays in Vienna! ).

In addition to each year’s new papers and Q&A, annual presentations covering important subjects such as safety and regulatory issues along with plant startups and shutdowns are given each year.  Further, Alberta Sulphur Research Limited, the premier research organization for sulfur recovery processing, presents one or more annual technical papers at each of the Brimstone Sulfur Symposia.  For a listing of recent presentations at our Vail Sulfur Symposium, see below.

Location and Transportation

The symposium will be held at the Hotel Bristol, on the Kaemtner Ring in downtown Vienna, Austria. The Hotel Bristol is located approximately 18 kilometers from the Vienna International Airport. Taxis, shuttle vans, and limousines are available for easy transport from the airport to the hotel. Because there are so many restaurants, shops, and services within easy walking distance of the Hotel Bristol, many attendees will choose to not have a vehicle.

Hotel Bristol
Kaemtner Ring 1, Vienna, Austria 1010
43-1-515160 direct


Registration Fee and Cancellation Policy

The symposium registration fee ($1,450.00 USD) covers all symposium materials and lunches. The symposium is held in the Hotel Bristol, and discounted room rates have been arranged for our attendees. Non-local attendees are required to stay at the Hotel Bristol (pending room availability), and are responsible for their own evening meals and transportation. At the Bristol, breakfast and internet service is included.

The registration fee will be refunded in full if a cancellation notice is received on or before May 4th. After that date, if you find that you cannot attend but can send someone else from your company in your place, just have them send us an e-mail (or give us a call) and let us know. We will also need a registration form from the substitute attendee.

Vienna Sulfur Symposium Technical Advisory Committee

The Brimstone Vienna Sulfur Symposium is proud to receive guidance from a committee selected from among the leaders in our industry. They help shape the format, content, and direction of the Sulfur Symposium.  The current Vienna Sulfur Symposium Technical Advisory Committee membership includes:

  • Ismail Alami, Aramco
  • Peter Clark, Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.
  • Pierre Crevier, Axens SA
  • Gordon Finnie, BP
  • Elmo Nasato, Goar Allison Ltd.
  • Andy Piper, Thorpe Int’l Services
  • Dave Sikorski, HEC Technologies Ltd.
  • Kees van den Brand, Shell Global Solutions

Maximum Enrollment

Registrations will be accepted and processed in the order in which they are received. Brimstone will limit the maximum number of attendees to 75 registrants. We find that keeping the symposium to a modest size is key in encouraging participation and discussions. Note that in order to maintain a balance between supply/vendor company attendees and operating company attendees, the number seats for supply/vendor attendees may be limited.

Recent Presentations from the Brimstone Vail Sulfur Symposium


2012 Presentations

  • “The Aftermath of SO2 Breakthrough and Ways to Mitigate It” by Al Keller (Phillips 66)
  • “Sour Water Stripper Performance in the Presence of Heat Stable Salts” by Nate Hatcher, Scott Alvis, and Ralph Weiland (Optimized Gas Treating)
  • “Sulfur Pit Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting” by Bill DeWees, Angela Slavens, Shadi AlAdel and Vincent Yih (WorleyParsons)
  • “A Robust SRU Wasteheat Boiler Design” by Sean McGuffie and Dennis Martens(Porter McGuffie)and Mike Demskie(Flint Hills Resources)
  • “Motiva Norco SRU Operation Experiences” by Rachel Clark (Motiva Enterprises)and Jim Critchfield(Shell)
  • “Caustic Scrubber Designs for Refinery Fuel Gas, SWS Gas, and Other Refinery Applications” by Kenneth McIntush, Darryl Mamrosh, Kevin Fisher, and Carrie Ann Beitler (Trimeric Corp.)
  • “2012 Sulfur Recovery Symposium Environmental and Safety Forum”  by Phil Oberbroeckling (LyondellBasell)
  • “SRU Startups at the Motiva Port Arthur Refinery”  by John Bagley(Motiva)and Jim Jenkins(Shell)
  • “Alberta Sulphur Research (ASRL) Annual Technical Paper: Reaction Pathways for Claus Tail Gas Reduction Catalysts: Relevance to Field Operation and Industrial Practice” by P.D.Clark, N.I. Dowling, and M. Huang(Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.)
  • “Amine Best Practices Group Annual Technical Paper: Lessons Learned” by Jim Asquith(Valero, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Sulfur Plant and Tail Gas Unit Startups and Shutdowns” by Doug Cicerone (Cicerone & Associates), Paul d’Haene (Dana Technical Services) and Greg Hanlon (Treating and Sulfur Solutions)
  • “Getting the Most from Your SRU performance Test Results” by Dick Wissbaum(URS)

2011 Presentations

  • “Fundamentals 2011: Ammonia Destruction in SRU Furnaces”  by P.D. Clark (Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.), Paul d’Haene (DANA Technical Services)and Jim Jenkins (Shell)
  • “Heat Shield Design/Function in SRU Reaction Furnaces and Incinerators” by Michael Huffmaster (Consultant), Nick Roussakis, Dave Sikorski(HEC Technologies)and Anthony Corriveau (Stream Function Inc.)
  • “Important Considerations for Refractory Dryouts, Startups & Shutdowns”  by Jim Jenkins (Shell), and Andy Piper & Jeff Proctor (Thorpe Corp)
  • “Liquid Sulphur Degassing: Fundamentals and New Technology Development in Sulphur Recovery”  by P.D. Clark (University of Calgary and Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.), M.A. Shields, M. Huang, N.I. Dowling (Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.) and D. Cicerone(Cicerone & Associates)
  • “Start-up and Shut-down of Sulfur Plants Without Exceeding Permit Limits” by Kavita Baba and Aaron Redding(Shell)
  • “Fate of Ammonia in Refinery Amine Systems”  by Nate Hatcher, Ralph Weiland and Scott Alvis (Optimized Gas Treating)
  • “2011 Sulfur Recovery Regulatory Update”  by Phil Oberbroeckling (Houston Refining, a LyondellBasell Company)
  • “Claus Unit Over-Pressure Protection – Proper Design Basis and NFPA Code Considerations”  by Phil Oberbroeckling (LyondellBasell) and Alan Mosher (KPS Technology and Engineering)
  • “Corrosion/Erosion in Sulfur Recovery (Real Life Examples)” by Phil Oberbroeckling (LyondellBasell)
  • “Sulfur Plant and Tail Gas Unit Startups and Shutdowns”  by Paul E. d’Haene(DANA Technical Services) and Doug Cicerone (Cicerone & Associates)
  • “Minimize Sulfur Pit Contribution to Stack Emission”  by Grant Qui(Excel Parablubes – ConocoPhillips)and Al Keller(ConocoPhillips)
  • “Amine Best Practices Group (ABPG) Annual Technical Paper: Solution Monitoring Guidelines for Amine Systems” by Nate Hatcher (Optimized Gas Treating, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Fundamental Integrity Issues for SRU Wasteheat Exchanger (Boiler) Panel Discussion” by Dennis Martens (PMI), Lon Stern (Consultant), Alan Mosher (KPS), Justin Lamar (Black & Veatch), and Domenica Misale-Lyttle (Industrial Ceramics)
  • “Sulfur Area Materials of Construction” by Johnny Johnson and Richard Wissbaum(URS)
  • “Pumping Liquid Sulfur – A Challenge for Pump Design, Sealing Systems, and Materials of Construction” by Juergen Weinerth(Friatec)

2010 Presentations

  • “Key Design Features for a Successful SRU Option Implemented with Oxygen Enrichment Technology” by Vincent W. Wong and Thomas K. Chow(Fluor Energy and Chemicals)
  • “Understanding Furnace Vibration and Noise” by Mike Porter(Porter McGuffie Inc.)
  • “Use of Reclamation for Amine Quality Management” by James Jenkins(Shell Global Solutions US)and Chris Daniels(ChemGroup Services, LLC)
  • “Mythbusters Meets Steam Heating System Design” by Thomas Willingham(Controls Southeast Inc.)
  • “Amine Best Practices Group Introduction and Q&A”Lon Stern (Consultant, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Acid Gas Balance Lines for Refinery Claus Systems” by Nathan “Tex” Ritter (Flint Hills Resources, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Advances in the Development of Tail Gas Treatment, Liquid Sulfur Degassing, and Tail Gas Incineration” by P.D. Clark, M. Huang, N.I. Dowling, M.A. Shields and R. Sui (Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.)
  • “2010 Sulfur Recovery Regulatory Update” by Phil Oberbroeckling(Houston Refining, a LyondellBasell Company)
  • “Acid Gas Injection System Design Troubleshooting at Regency’s Waha and Tilden Sites by Kenneth McIntush and Carrie Ann M. Beitler(Trimeric Corporation), Charles B. Wallace (Consultant), David T. Miller and Daniel Wentworth(Regency Energy Partners), Peter F. Ellis (Corrosion Scientist)
  • “Claus Reaction Furnace Temperature Measurement – An Overview” by Steve Croom (Delta Controls)
  • “Review of Reaction Furnaces: From Burner to Tubesheet” by Andy Piper (Thorpe Corporation), Dave Sikorski (HEC), Domenica Misale-Lytle (Industrial Ceramics)
  • “Better Amine System Operation Through Chemical Analysis” by Arthur L. Cummings and Glen D. Smith(MPR Services)
  • “Sulfur Plant Start-Ups and Shutdowns” by Paul d’Haene(DANA Technical Services)and Doug Cicerone (Cicerone & Associates)
  • “Variable Cost Reduction Through Minimizing Utility Usage by an Effective Production Team”  by Katie Libich, Randy Stakes, Jon Moon and Stephen Perry (Shell Deer Park Refinery)
  • “How to Collect, Form and Ship 4.5 Million Tons of Sulfur a Year” by Johnny Johnson, Dave Nulty and Dick Wissbaum (URS Energy & Construction)

2009 Presentations

  • “A Case History of Refractory Lining Improvements for O2 Enriched Reactor Service” by Andy Piper (Thorpe), Shawn Olson (Total), Susan Grigson (Ortloff Engineers)
  • “SRU Shutdown Systems – History & Basics” by Jim Hampsten(Principal Technology Engineering)
  • “Tail Gas Unit Crime Scene Investigation – Vail” by Steve Massie(Criterion Catalysts)
  • “Temperature Profile Monitoring in Amine Absorbers” by Bart Welch(Chevron USA, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Sulfur Plant Start-Ups and Shutdowns” by Paul d’Haene (DANA Technical Services)
  • “Industrial Gas Supply for the Sulphur Recovery Industry” by Elmo Nasato, Uday Parakh(Goar Allison)
  • “Amine Best Practices Group Q&A” byLon Stern (Consultant, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Acid Gas Loading Error Analysis – Is the Analysis Full of Error or There Error in the Analysis?” by Nathan Hatcher, Ralph Weiland(Optimized Gas Treating)
  • “Compliance Survey – Requirements of New or Modified Sulfur Recovery Facilities in the U.S.” by Phil Oberbroeckiling(LyondellBasell)
  • “2009 Sulfur Recovery Regulartory Update” by Phil Oberbroeckiling (LyondellBasell)
  • “+99.9% Sulfur Recovery at Lowest Cost and Highest Reliability” by Steven Meyer (MEC/Dynawave) and Dennis Koscielnuk (Jacobs Canada)
  • “Corrosion Pathways in Liquid Sulfur Rundown Pits and Other Liquid Sulfur Handling Facilities” by Peter Clark and Norman Dowling (Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.)
  • “The Economics of Heating Sulfur Tail Gas Lines” by Thomas Willingham (Controls Southeast Inc.)
  • “A Means of Avoiding Sulfur Recovery Furnace Fired Tube Boiler Failures” by Mike Porter (Dynamic Analysis), Dennis Martens & Sean McGuffie (Porter McGuffie Inc.) & John Wheeler (Motiva Enterprises)
  • “Cutting Edge SRU Controls: Superior SRU Performance at Suncor Simonette Gas Plant with Jacobs Advanced Burner Control+” by Gerton Molenaar (Jacobs Engineering)
  • “The Chemist’s Guide to Building a Sulfur Block in the Refinery Parking Lot” by Peter Clark (Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.)
  • “10,000 MTD Shah Gas Development Tail Gas Treatment Complex: Why FlexSorb?” by Vincent Wong and Thomas Chow (Fluor Energy & Chemicals) & Robert Fedich (ExxonMobil Research)

2008 Presentations

  • “Critical Instrumentation in Sulfur Recovery Units” by Jim Hampsten (Principal Technology Engineering)
  • “Amine Best Practices Group Q&A” by Lon Stern (Consultant, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “The Chemistry and Kinetics of Claus Tail Gas Incineration” by Norman Dowling (Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.)
  • “Getting Your Sulfur to Market – Technology and Economics” by Dick Wissbaum (URS Corp. formerly Washington Group International)
  • “Is Amine System Corrosion Different from SWS Corrosion?” by Nate Hatcher (Trimeric Corp.) and Al Keller (ConocoPhillips)
  • “Impact of Temperature on TGTU Catalyst Performance” by Mike Huffmaster (Consultant)
  • “2008 Sulfur Recovery Regulatory Update” by Phil Oberbroeckling (Lyondell Basell)
  • “Panel Discussion: Personnel Protection – Proper Monitoring of H2S” by Tony Houlemard (BP), Steve Gibson (Frontier Refining), John Corley (ExxonMobil) & Phil Oberbroeckling (LyondellBasell)
  • “Top Ten Things that Keep Sulfur Plant Managers Awake at Night” by Lon Stern (Consultant) & Phil Oberbroeckling (LyondellBasell)
  • “Do You Trust Your Sulfur Plant Simulator?” by Jane Nichols (URS Corp. formerly Washington Group International)
  • “Amine Best Practices Group: Lessons Learned” by Bart Welch (Chevron, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Fundamentals of Sour Water Stripping, Part 2” by David Stevens (KPS Engineering)
  • “TGCU Catalyst Concerns Lead to Low Turndown Operation of SRU & TGCU” by Jason Stavros (ConocoPhillips)
  • “The Case for Titanium Dioxide Catalyst” by Pierre Crevier (Consultant, representing Axens Catalyst)
  • “Sulfur Condensation in Claus Catalyst Beds” by Hans Borsboom (Jacobs/Comprimo)

2007 Presentations

  • “Sulfiding of Tail Gas Unit Catalyst: Proper Preparation of Tail Gas Hydrogenation Catalyst for Long and Active Life” by Steve Massie (Criterion Catalysts)
  • “Tail Gas Unit Reactor Problems & Oxygen Infiltration” by Phil Oberbroeckling (Lyondell Refining)
  • “Amine Best Practices Group Introduction and Q&A” by Lon Stern (Consultant, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Control of Foaming in Amine Systems” by Art Cummings (MPR Services Inc.)
  • “SemCAMS Kaybob South #3 Gas Plant Sulphur Plant Upgrades: One Year Later” by Shelley Hittel (SemCAMS)
  • “Control of Sulfur Run-Down Pits and Liquid Sulfur Storage Tanks Emissions” by Peter Clark (Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.)
  • “2007 Sulfur Recovery Environmental Issues Forum” by Phil Oberbroeckling (Lyondell Refining)
  • “Effects of Gas Loading on Tail Gas Unit Catalyst Performance” by Michael Huffmaster (Consultant)
  • “Fundamentals of Sour Water Stripping” by David Stevens (Black & Veatch)
  • “Amine Best Practices Group: Lessons Learned” by Ron Schendel (Chemical & Refining Technical Services, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Dynamic Simulation Model of a Complex Sulfur Block” by Marco van Son (Jacobs Engineering)
  • “VMGSim & Modeling Acid Gas Treating and Sulfur Recovery, Part 2: Software Demo” by Gerald Jacobs and James van der Lee (Virtual Materials Group)
  • “Improving Sulfur Plant Performance and Instrumentation” by Joe Rahija (Valero Energy)
  • “The DAP and STREP Processes for Acid Gas Removal, Acid Gas Enrichment, and Claus Tail Gas Treating” by Vincent Wong (Fluor Corporation)
  • “Amine System Upgrade to Ucarsol LE-801” by Matt Gunn (Lyondell Refining)

2006 Presentations

  • “Repair of Subsurface Molten Sulfur Containment Structures” by Thomas Kline (Structural Preservation Systems)
  • “Emissions Reduction: Handling Sulfur Pit Vents and Sulfur Storage Tank Vents” by Theresa Flood (Fluor)
  • “Sulfur Recovery Unit Startups and Shutdowns” by Paul d’Haene (DANA Technical Services)
  • “Utility Considerations for Sulfur Recovery Units” by Elmo Nasato (Goar Allison)
  • “DynaWave Wet Gas Scrubbing: A New Alternative for Claus Unit Tail Gas Clean-Up” by Steven Meyer (MECS Global)
  • “Amine Fundamentals Q&A”by Lon Stern (Black & Veatch, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Thermal Maintenance of Field Erected Sulphur Tanks” by David Hornbaker (Controls Southeast)
  • “VMGSim — A New Modeling Platform for Acid Gas Treating and Sulfur Recovery” by James van der Lee (Virtual Materials Group)
  • “Environmental Compliance Within the Sulfur Recovery Industry” by Phil Oberbroeckling (Lyondell Houston Refining)
  • “Blended Amines” by Charalambos Patsatzis (Lyondell Houston Refining)
  • “Cost Savings and Operational Benefits of Ex-Situ Sulfiding of Tail Gas Catalysts” by Steve Massie (Criterion Catalysts) & Terry McHugh (Porocel Industries)
  • “Sulfur Recovery Outlook to 2025” by Dick Wissbaum (Washington Group International)
  • “Deposition of Ammonium Salts in Claus Systems: Theoretical and Practical Considerations” by Peter Clark (Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.)
  • “SemCAMS Kaybob South Gas Plant #3 SuperClaus Retrofit and Sulphur Recovery Plant Enhancements” by Shelley Hittel (SemCAMS)
  • “Deciphering Your Amine Analysis” by Mike Zacher (MJZ Consulting, representing the Amine Best Practices Group)
  • “Mix Gas Firing of Claus Muffle Furnaces” by Tony Houlemard (BP West Coast Products)
  • “Meeting Lower Sulfur Levels in Coker Off-Gases” by Scott Alvis (Merichem Company)
  • “BP Whitney Canyon: Learnings From 22 Years of Operating SRU/CBA” by Paul Pendergraft (BP America)


2013 is a milestone year for Brimstone STS Limited, marking the 20th anniversary of its annual Vail Sulfur Recovery Symposium and the launch of the first Brimstone European Sulfur Recovery Symposium in Vienna, Austria. The Vienna Sulfur Symposium will be a regular annual event held each year in May. Lisa Connock reports on the inaugural event which took place at the Hotel Bristol on 27-31 May.

Lisa Connock

Technical Editor, Sulphur

6547 South Racine Circle

Suite 1600

Centennial, Colorado 80111

Tel: +1-909-597-3249

Fax: +1-909-597-4839

[email protected]

Submit symposia inquiries using the form below.


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